02 - assertions

From Wikipedia:

In computer programming, specifically when using the imperative programming paradigm, an assertion is a predicate (a Boolean-valued function over the state space, usually expressed as a logical proposition using the variables of a program) connected to a point in the program, that always should evaluate to true at that point in code execution. Assertions can help a programmer read the code, help a compiler compile it, or help the program detect its own defects.

For the latter, some programs check assertions by actually evaluating the predicate as they run. Then, if it is not in fact true – an assertion failure – the program considers itself to be broken and typically deliberately crashes or throws an assertion failure exception.

In simpler words, an assertion will be a construct within code (usually something resembling a function call) that should always evaluate to true when invoked as control flow encounters it. Assertions are a form of self-checks made by the program itself, to ensure it's running correctly.

In C++

C++ offers 2 kinds of assertions:

  • the assert macro which comes from the C standard library (a configurable runtime assertion)

  • static_assert (a compile-time assertion)


The program below contains an assertion which prevents it from invoking undefined behavior. The macro has ugly name (not UPPERCASE as macros are suposed to have) because it's very old, from early C times.

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

int divide(int x, int y)
	assert(y != 0); // integer division by 0 is UB
	return x / y;

int main()
	int x = 0;
	int y = 0;
	std::cout << "enter x: ";
	std::cin >> x;
	std::cout << "enter y: ";
	std::cin >> y;
	std::cout << "result: " << divide(x, y);

How the macro works:

  • if NDEBUG is defined: the macro expands to an empty statement, as if nothing was written (as if the statement was completely commented out).

  • if NDEBUG is not defined: expands to a statement that evaluates given expression:

    • if true then nothing happens.

    • if false outputs implementation-defined diagnostic information on the standard error stream and calls std::abort, which terminates the program. The diagnostic message is guaranteed to contain the source code from the expression (turned into text by preprocessor stringization - #), __FILE__, __LINE__ and __func__.

Why weird NDEBUG ("not debug") name? Just history. NDEBUG is never defined within standard library but high-level build tools (e.g. CMake, Meson) and IDEs have the concept of relase and debug build configurations. Pretty much all such tools will add -DNDEBUG (or equivalent) to compiler flags in release configuration to disable the macro in release builds (C++ does not define this macro by default). Many libraries offer similar macro, sometimes implemented as a wrapper around the standard one.

A quick test with the program above can result in something like this:

main.cpp:6: int divide(int, int): Assertion 'y != 0' failed.

Custom diagnostic message

The macro takes only 1 argument which is the condition and while it outputs a message there is no dedicated place for additional text. However, a custom message can be added thanks to some evaluation tricks. Common ways of improving assert macro:

#define ASSERT_MSG(condition, message) assert(((void)(message), condition))
#define ASSERT_MSG(condition, message) assert((condition) && message)

The first trick uses the fact that , is an operator that evalues both operands but returns the value of the second (of the last operand if chained). For example, (1, 2, 3) returns 3.

  • An extra set of parentheses is added to force evaluation through this operator. Otherwise the assert macro would error it got 2 arguments but expected 1.

  • The order of condition and message is flipped so that the condition is evaluated for the assertion.

  • Message is cast to void to shut "operand of comma operator has no effect" warning.

The second trick relies on implicit convertions.

  • The macro uses the fact that x AND true is equivalent to x.

  • The string literal is an array which will decay to a non-null pointer (every string has a non-zero address) which when converted to bool will always be true.

  • The condition is placed in parenthesis to guard against possible changes of meaning due to operator precedence.

Can I use a variable to hold the message and put the variable in the macro?

You can, but ... the macro will print variable's name, not its value. For this to really work you would need a very different implementation of the macro, one that passes the variable to some output function.

Boost.Assert library offers an upgraded version of the macro similar to the one presented above. Additionally, it has more compile-time enable/disable switches as well as ability to implement custom assertion failure handler.

Side effects

An assertion should never have any side effects. They are not present in release builds so the program must work the same with and without them.

A hypothetical program loads its configuration and puts entries of the same type into an array. Then, just before they are used, an assert is placed to ensure there are no duplicate entries:

// at the end of configuration loading

// elsewhere - function definition
bool has_duplicates(std::vector<config_entry>& v)
	std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
	// after sorting, duplicate elements would be next to each other
	return std::adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end()) != v.end();

This isn't a good assertion because it has a side effect. If the assert is present (even if it does not fire) executing it will sort the vector. This doesn't seem to affect program state immediately, but it could impact program performance differently in release and debug builds aswell as change the order of processing configuration (which could have non-trivial consequences, depending on how it works).

What could be done to improve this code? If the program's configuration should always be sorted (e.g. because processing it requires certain order), the code could be modified as such:

std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end());

bool has_duplicates(const std::vector<config_entry>& v)
	assert(std::is_sorted(v.begin(), v.end()));
	// after sorting, duplicate elements would be next to each other
	return std::adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end()) != v.end();

If sorting is not necessary, then the assertion could be written as in original example but with 1 difference - the function should take vector by value (copy) and then sort this vector. Sorting a copy would not affect original vector.


bool has_duplicates(std::vector<config_entry> v)
	std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
	// after sorting, duplicate elements would be next to each other
	return std::adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end()) != v.end();

What if copying configuration entries had a side effect?

Then the program has even bigger problem - violation of one of OOP idioms. Object-oriented programming is much later in the tutorial but it should be relatively straightforward to understand that a copy is a copy - an independent second object, where operations on one should not affect the other.

Static assertions

static_assert does very similar job but at compile time. The keyword works similarly to a function and could be roughly represented as the following pseudocode:

// C++11
void static_assert(constexpr bool condition, __string_literal message);
// C++17 (additional "overload" where a message is not required)
void static_assert(constexpr bool condition);

The condition must be a constant expression, otherwise the program is ill-formed. The message can only be a string literal, that is, you must write quoted string where the assertion is present. You can not even use constexpr variables to hold the message. If you do not have C++17 and have no need for the message you can simply write "".

If the condition evaluates to true the statement has no effect. If false, a compile-time error is issued, and the text of message, if any, is included in the diagnostic message.

static_assert is commonly used within templates as it allows to ensure that various compile-time requirements are satisfied. When given invalid types or values, it's much better to get a compiler error with the message from failed assertion than a complex template error describing many details.

TOEXAMPLE good simple static assert example


Assertions are intended to catch internal bugs within the program, during testing on debug builds. You should not use assertions to handle external problems such as input errors because they are not suited for handling them - assertions only catch invalid states and report them usually by very interrupting means (immediately stopping the program or throwing an exception).

Example good places to put an assertion:

  • just before array access to check index validity

  • inside an algorithm to ensure it's behaving correctly

  • just before returing from the function to verify that the result meets intended criteria

  • basically any operation that if not guarded against could cause UB