05 - objects

You already know basic types in C++. Time to create some objects.

What is an object?

It's hard to give a simple and consise definition of an object that doesn't just go by listing every C++ language rule attached to it, so to put it simply: objects are data in memory.

Every object has:

  • lifetime (when associated memory can be used)

  • type (how the bit pattern should be interpreted)

  • value (actual bit pattern in memory)

  • (optionally) a name (identifier)

  • some memory-related properties (address, size, alignment, storage duration) that won't be interesting for now

Note that most of these are purely an abstraction on which the programming language is built. Hardware only performs computations, read and write operations and doesn't know about types - it only sees data as different memory cells, each being one byte.

The name is optional because:

  • In some cases temporary (unnamed) objects may be created as a part of evaluation of expressions - e.g. in 2 * 3 + 4 an unnamed integer object with value 6 may temporarily appear in memory.

  • In some cases objects can be referred using indirect mechanisms such as pointers and references. This is especially true for any data that has variable size (e.g. an array).

Don't think that an object (some data in memory with certain properties) means the same as a variable (named modifiable entity in code):

  • When using indirect mechanisms such as references and pointers, it's possible to have 2 variables (e.g. 2 references) that refer to the same object in memory.

  • When using variable-size objects such as arrays, it's possible to have multiple objects that are accessed through the same variable.

Of couse we are still pretty far from indirect mechanisms, for now all of the code will have 1:1 variable-object relation.

If you are curious for the formal difference:

Creating objects

Before using an object, you must first specify what type it will be.

x;             // error: it is unknown what x actually is
int x;         // ok: definition of an object named "x" of type int
long double y; // ok: definition of an object named "y" of type long double

At this point, the compiler will determine any other properties (especially memory-related ones) automatically. Such statements are called variable definitions, though many mistakenly named them declarations.

It's possible to define multiple objects at once:

int x, y, z; // 3 objects of type int

...but such practice is very discouraged. For historical reasons (mostly backwards compatibility), C++ adopted C grammar which while generally brilliant, has some peculiarities and most of them lie in decl-specifier-seq subgrammar, which is used for declarations. Thinking of object declaration syntax as "type followed by name" is fundamentally wrong with how C/C++ grammar works and for this reason:

This is a very common C++ teaching mistake - please point it out by giving link to this article TODO. While I understand the need for mental shortcuts, "type followed by name" is only trapping beginners in incorrect thinking. We wish it worked this way, but it doesn't.

To further prove the argument, take a look at this:

// x has type int*[2]
// y has type int
// z has type int*
// p has type int (*)(float)
int* x[2], y, *z, (*p)(float);

In this specific example, only int is "picked up" for every object and any other type modifiers seem to be in random places. People don't want to deal with such unintuitive rules - they are only maintained for backwards compatibilty.

Can't these syntax rules be changed?

C++ is a very history-rich language (40+ years) and it also takes backwards compatibility very seriously. C++ inherited a lot from C, including some of its grammar design flaws. Still, it wouldn't be in a place it is today if the language did not appear as an alternative to then very fast growing C. Many of past problems did get "fixed" in C++11 without breaking backwards compatibility by adding more alternative subgrammars. This of course spawned a lot of corner cases so if you want some laugh, watch the 7min talk CppCon 2018: Timur Doumler "Can I has grammar?".

Don't be intimitated by the C declaration grammar. Majority of C++ code uses types which are very easy to read. The ones that aren't easily readable have multiple ways to workaround it such as type name aliases. Vast majority of code will look as if "type followed by name" was true.


After an object has been created, we can start using it. One of the simplest operations you can perform is assignment:

#include <iostream>

int main()
	int x; // definition of an object
	x = 1; // assignment
	std::cout << x << "\n";
	x = 2; // another assignment
	std::cout << x << "\n";

You can observe that statements are executed from top to bottom and x's value is changed.


If an object definition is combined with giving it a value, it's called initialization.

int x = 1;

It looks just like a shortcut version of previous code (AKA syntax sugar) but initialization is fundamentally different from assignment:

  • an object can be assigned any time after its creation

  • initialization can happen only once: when the object is created

Right now there is no visible difference but it will be very important later. Even though both assignment and initialization use =, they are technically very different operations.

There is nothing wrong in assignment, however the first ever value than an object will hold should be given through initialization. Reasoning is pretty simple:

  • Initialization offers more than the assignment:

    • Sometimes initialization will be more optimal than creation + assignment.

    • Sometimes initialization will be required.

  • If you create an object, but can't give any value to initialize it with, you very likely don't need the object. In such case, the object creation should be postponed (done later in the code) to the moment it's actually needed.

If initialization is so important, why objects aren't intialized automatically by the compiler?

In some programming languages (usually ones which operate on higher abstraction level) they actually are, but C++ (and its ancestor - C) have always fundamentally followed the rule that you don't pay for what you don't use and if something is not absolutely necessary, it shouldn't be done - at least automatically. The performance penalty of "dead writes" (e.g. initializing an object with some value but never reading it before future assignment) is getting lower, but it's still not zero and C++ doesn't like forcing things that are not required. A lot of people advocate for a reversed default though, where initialization would be opt-out, not opt-in as in vast majority of cases the programer wants to be warned about missed initialization and the need for optimizing to the point of removing single write instructions is very rare.

Other reasons include backwards compatibility and the inability to provide good defaults. For any numeric type, zero is a very good choice. For bool it's false because it is represented by bit 0. But for a lot of types there is no good default and their bit representation made full of 0s may have no valid interpretation.


Initialization can be performed in multiple ways:

int x = 1;   // copy initialization
int x(1);    // direct initialization
int x{1};    // direct list initialization
int x = {1}; // copy list initialization
int x{};     // value initialization

Each of these works somewhat differently. There are even more than in the example, but they can not be used for built-in types like int.

For now, we will stick to copy initialization as = is definitely the easiest and most intuitive syntax to remember. We will come back to different ways of initialization once you gain more knowledge about the type system in C++.


const can be aplied to any type, which adds some restrictions:

// const objects must be initialized
const int x; // error: constant not initialized

// const objects can not be assigned to
const int x = 10;
x = 5; // error: x is const

// const may be initialized from non-const:
int a = 10;
const int b = a; // ok

The keyword is simple yet very useful but at this stage you likely wouldn't believe how much programming errors it prevents and how much it improves code readability for others.

For simple types, 2 positions of the keyword are accepted:

const int a = 1; // so called "west const"
int const b = 2; // so called "east const"

Technically, const applies to what is on its left, unless there is nothing - then it applies to what is on its right. There are lots of people advocating for both, mainly because:

  • East const is more in-line with underlying grammar rules - this is the more noticeable the more complex type is. But since majority of types are simple (1-3 tokens), they can rely on the "unless there is nothing - then it applies to what is on its right" rule.

  • West const is more in-line with English grammar and general expecation of the public. It's also how the keyword works in other programming languages.

In other words, for strictly technical reasons, east const should be used. But because it's known that declaration part of the C/C++ grammar is unintuitive, many recommend west const - it feels more natural and in majority of cases it's possible to do so.

The west vs east const debate is C++'s equivalent of the "on which side the toiler paper should be" debate. Community likes to make fun of it, it's most prominently visible on CppCon materials, such as Jon Kalb: "This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things" <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv--IKZFVO8>.

Core Guidelines NL.26 recommend west version although the recommendation itself isn't very strong.

I have tried both conventions in different projects and personally I prefer the west version, even if the code I write is quite complex and even if I'm often forced to use the east version for technical (grammatical) reasons.


constexpr is a leveraged version of const. The additional requirement is that the value must be computable at compile time.

constexpr long cppstd = __cplusplus; // this magic macro is a number in the form "YYYYMM"
constexpr long year = cppstd / 100;  // remove MM part
std::cout << "Year of the used C++ standard: " << year << "\n";

If possible, it's recommended to use constexpr over const as it opens few more language features; features which require compile time data. The features are specified to require constant expressions.

It's possible to write constexpr const ... but it's redundant: for object definitions, constexpr already implies const.


  • define 1 variable per statement

  • use const for objects that once initialized, should not be changed

  • use constexpr for objects which values are computable at compile time


Is the following code valid?

int x = 5;
x = x * 2;
std::cout << x;

Yes. Assignments work by evaluating expression on the right before the result is stored in an object. There are no problems if the expression refers to the same object.

Is the following code valid?

int x = 2 * x;
std::cout << x;

Technically yes (this will compile) but contains undefined behavior. x here is used (on the right side) before it's initialized. It's not possible to correctly initialize an object with a value that depends on it.